Welcome To LegaVac

About LegaVac

Welcome to LegaVac Services Private Limited, your trusted partner in legal solutions. As a leading provider of comprehensive legal services in India, we strive to empower individuals and businesses through our specialized offerings: FIR Registration, Litigation Management, and Legal Detrum - the world's largest Lawyers Network.

We would like to Introduce Legal Detrum -

Largest database of experienced Lawyers.

You know, finding a good lawyer at a crucial time is very hard and particularly in remote places, so Legal Detrum makes it easier for you.
Legal Detrum has a huge database of experienced lawyers on PAN India level. You can search by state, city, subject matter expertise, years of experience ratings etc. Yearly subscription to Legal Detrum is available as Individual, Firm or Company level. With a Firm or Company level licence, 5 people can login at a time from anywhere in the world through weblink or app. We are continuously increasing the database by adding more and more experienced lawyers time to time. Therefore, request you to explore and use Legal Detrum to find a good lawyer on the click of a button.

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